Webhook for notifications

Webhook endpoint called by Viafoura when there are notifications to send (Path is not required).

This endpoint documents a Webhook request

This API endpoint describes how customers are to implement and receive webhook requests from Viafoura. It illustrates the structure of the requests sent from our system and the expected response codes from the customer system, allowing customers to develop appropriate handlers. This is not an endpoint in our system.


  • To receive webhooks, customers must request that Server-to-Server Callbacks be enabled in the Viafoura Admin console, provide the Endpoint where Viafoura should send the webhook requests, and also provide an Authorization Key for Viafoura to use with the requests.
    • The path given above is for example purposes and is not required to be in the endpoint.
  • Responses should include the appropriate response codes as specified; the response body is currently disregarded.

For further details, please refer to our Notifications Webhook guide.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!