Javascript API

Viafoura aims to empower our customers to integrate and customize our community engagement platform. By using our JavaScript API we allow you to subscribe to our event bus to allow you to integrate with your own analytics platforms, or add custom behaviors on certain engagement events. You may want to listen for new comments, or likes being added.

Another common integration is done by publishing your own events onto our event bus to trigger UI elements such as our notification tray, or trigger a login flow.


The unique_id attribute allows multiple URLs to be linked to the same page and thus, comments
created under associated URLs will be the same. You may specify any string you would like to
use as your unique_id, as long as it is no more than 100 characters in length.

If used incorrectly, unique_ids can lead to problems such as comments for different pages showing
in the wrong places. As such we recommend exercising caution when utilizing this feature.

Viafoura unique ID documentation

Type: String


The JavaScript API exposes a global variable (window.vf) to enable easy interaction
with the Viafoura JavaScript code running on your page.

It is best used in conjunction with vfQ to ensure your callbacks run
after the Viafoura context has fully loaded.


// Make vfQ available or use existing one if already loaded
window.vfQ = window.vfQ || [];
window.vfQ.push(() => {
    // viafoura is loaded and window.vf is available
    window.vf.context.get('user').then((user) => {
       // log all the properties of the logged-in user


$publish - publish an event to a dispatcher.
View the full list of events.


  • channel string channel event is taking place in
  • event string name of event
  • args array arguments to pass to callbacks


window.vf.$publish('tray', 'open', 'args');


$subscribe - subscribe to an event through a dispatcher.
View the full list of events.


  • channel string channel of subscription
  • event string event of subscription
  • callback function callback when event occurs


window.vf.$subscribe('login', 'failure', function() {});

Returns EventSubscription subscription


$unsubscribe - unsubscribe from a channel/event combo through a dispatcher.
View the full list of events.


  • channel string channel of unsubscription
  • event string event of unsubscription


window.vf.$unsubscribe('login', 'failure');

Returns array subscriptions unsubscribed from


$once - subscribe once to a channel/event combo through a dispatcher.
View the full list of events.


  • channel string channel of subscription
  • event string event of subscription
  • callback function callback to call once when event is triggered


window.vf.$once('login', 'failure', function() {});

Returns EventSubscription one-time subscription


$prepublish - lifecycle hook to run before $publish invocation



window.vf.$prepublish((channel, event, ...args) => {
    if (channel === 'authentication' && event === 'required') {
       return false;
    return { channel, event, args };


The vf.context API is used to manage the application context and state. This
is primarily useful when working with single page apps,
infinite scroll implementations
and other similar functionality.


Returns a promise resolving to a context item (either page, or user)


Returns Promise<(VfUser | VfPageMeta | VfNotifications)> resolves to a context object


This function is used to destroy the current viafoura context. It will:

  • Unsubscribe from realtime events
  • Destroy all widgets on the page
  • Posts engagement tracking data to our analytics server
  • Pauses window.vfQ

This function is intended to be used when you would like do perform some
intermediate actions between the teardown and setup steps of a page reset.


  • shouldDestroyWidgets Boolean If false, widgets attached to a VfContainer remain in the DOM and their event
    listeners remain intact, if true, they are reverted to their original state before they were loaded as functioning components (optional, default true)


// First destroy the current viafoura context
    // Update the page meta information
    // Add some new widgets to the page
    // Finally restart the viafoura application

Returns Promise A promise resolving to nothing


This function is used to initialize the viafoura application. It is used after
teardown to restart the viafoura application. It will:

  • Refetch the page meta data
  • Reloads all settings/page/user/language information
  • Reinitialize all widgets
  • Refire analytics
  • Restarts window.vfQ

This function is intended to be used when you would like do perform some
intermediate actions between the teardown and setup steps of a page reset.


// First destroy the current viafoura context
    // Update the page meta information
    // Add some new widgets to the page
    // Finally restart the viafoura application

Returns Promise A promise resolving to nothing


vf.context.reset() resets the Viafoura JavaScript, loading any changes
to the meta tags, or other properties defined after page initialization.

Conceptually, calling the vf.context.reset() method is treated as a new
page load
. As such, this call triggers a full re-initialization of our
engagement tools, which means several requests to our REST APIs will be invoked.

Call this if Viafoura should display new content when no page reload was
triggered. This function will return a promise which resolves when it is finished.
Custom behaviour after the reset is finished can be chained onto the promise.

The Viafoura reset function internally runs both vf.context.teardown
and vf.context.setup.

NOTE: any changes to the widget after they have been loaded
will not take effect after a viafoura reset. i.e. if you change
the data-path of the commenting widget, viafoura.reset will not action that change.
This change was made to accomodate our new widgets.
If you would still like to use reset to change a data-attribute, you can call
vf.context.teardown, perform changes and then vf.context.setup.

Returns Promise A promise resolving to nothing


It is used for an infinite scroll implementation. For more information on infinite scroll,
please refer to our infinite scroll implementations.

The first parameter is an element denoting a new page. The element passed in should be a wrapper containing all
the html for the newly loaded page. All widgets in the DOM that are within this parent element will be initialized
after calling this function.


  • el HTMLElement [options] - top level article container containing all the Viafoura widgets of this new page

Returns Promise<(VfPage | null)> A promise resolving after the page data has been successfully fetched. If fetchPage is false the promise resolves to null.


vf.context.resetWidget(). Takes in a widget DOM element and tears down that one widget and then re-registers all widgets. This is useful when you want to
rebuild only one widget on the page but do not want to reset everything.

This function will also send attention time tracking events because tearing down the widget will result in the engagement data being lost, so it
must be sent before it is destroyed.

NOTE: this will build any other unmounted widgets on the page


  • widget Element DOM element of widget being reset
  • shouldDestroyWidget boolean If false, widgets attached to a VfContainer remain in the DOM and their event
    listeners remain intact, if true, they are reverted to their original state before they were loaded as functioning components (optional, default true)

Returns Promise A promise resolving immediately


The topics JS API is used to manage topic subscriptions on a page or for a user.


Subscribe the current user to a topic.


  • topic_id String id of the topic
  • topic_name String name of the topic
  • topic_type String? type of topic. Default is "topic"
  • store Object? optional custom store (needed for tests)


window.vf.topics.subscribe("id", "topic");

Returns Promise promise that resolves when the topic subscription is complete


Fetch a list of all topics that have been set in the DOM of the current page

    .then((topics) => console.log(topics));

Returns Promise promise that resolves to the list of topics


Unsubscribe current user from a topic.


  • topic_id String id of the topic
  • store Object? optional custom store (needed for tests)



Returns Promise promise that resolves when the topic unsubscribe is complete


Fetch a list of topics that the current user already subscribes to.


  • store Object? optional custom store (needed for tests)


    .then((topics) => console.log(topics));

Returns Promise promise that resolves to an array of topics


Check if the current user is subscribed to a given topic.


  • topic_id Object The id of the topic you are checking


    .then((isSubscribed) => console.log(isSubscribed));

Returns Promise promise that resolves to a Boolean


Fetch a count of topics followers.


  • topic_id Object The id of the topic you are checking
  • store Object? optional custom store (needed for tests) (optional, default vuexStore.getInstance())


window.vf.topics.count(topic_id).then((count) => console.log(count));

Returns Promise promise that resolves to a Boolean


Object representing the current user session




performs a viafoura logout



Returns Promise promise that resolves when the logout is complete


viafoura login apis


login - attempts to login a LoginRadius account with the given access token




Returns Promise login promise


performs a viafoura JWT login


  • access String a viafoura access token for a user
  • refresh String a viafoura refresh token for a user
  • session String a viafoura legacy session ID for a user


window.vfQ = window.vfQ || [];
window.vfQ.push(function() {
    window.vf.session.login.jwt(access, refresh, session)
       .then((user) => alert(`You are now logged in as ${}`))
       .catch((e) => alert(e.message));

Returns Promise promise that resolves to a user when the login is completeThe JWT login javascript function can be used to execute a login using an existing access/refresh token
pair as well as a legacy session ID. This will log in the user with Viafoura's servers and set any
necessary cookies and local state.See the full JWT login flow documentation for more information.


performs a viafoura cookie login


  • cookie String string representing the login cookie



Returns Promise promise that resolves when the login is completeThe Cookie Login javascript function can be used to execute the Cookie Login Integration on pages that have
Viafoura engagement modules present like the Commenting Module. This javascript function requires your
Cookie Login Integration to be completed.View the full cookie login documentation.


performs a legacy viafoura social login


  • type String string representing network to socially login from


Returns Promise promise that resolves when the login is complete


The various context objects that can be accessed from the Viafoura JS API

Type: enum


  • user String Specify the "user" context
  • page String Specify the "page" context
  • notifications String Specify the "notification" context


Viafoura user privilege levels:

Type: enum


  • guest String Guest user privileges. Can only view but cannot take any actions (A guest user can post comments if anonymous comments are enabled)
  • user String Regular user privileges. Can perform regular user actions (e.g. post comment, like, follow)
  • moderator String Moderator user privileges. Can perform moderation actions (e.g. approve, disable)
  • administrator String Administrator user privileges. Can perform administrative actions (e.g. promote, demote)


window.vf.context.get('user').then((user) => {
       if(user.user_privilege == "guest"){
             //not logged in


The window.vfQ api provides a safe mechanism for executing functions which
depend on the viafoura context and API. Because the API is loaded asynchronously
there is a need to have a method to queue functions to run once the Viafoura
context is fully loaded.


// Safely initialize vfQ
window.vfQ = window.vfQ || [];
// add callbacks to vfQ
window.vfQ.push(() => console.log('window.vf.* is now ready'));


A Viafoura page object describing attributes that define a page

Type: Object


  • date_created Number The page creation date
  • date_expires Number The date that comments will be closed on this page
  • description String The description for the page
  • full_page_url String The fully qualified url of the page (eg: <<>>)
  • host String host of the page
  • id Number A Viafoura page id
  • image_url String The page image url
  • num_replies Number The number of replies on the page
  • path String The path of the page (eg: /mypage.html?2345=abc#hash)
  • section_id Number The section id of the page
  • site_id Number The site if of the page
  • status Boolean Status of the page
  • title String The page's title


Viafoura user ban levels:

Type: enum


  • posting String Disables the users from submitting any new comments or replies. They will be able to do other engagement activities (likes, follow, report, etc).
  • ghost String User is able to perform all normal actions, but their comments and replies are only visible to themselves and moderators.
  • login String Disabled the user from logging in and performing all actions that require authentication (like, dislike, report, etc).
  • hide String In addition to banning the user, this will ensure all their posts are hidden from view of other users.
  • none String User is not banned.


This is a viafoura user

Type: Object



  uuid: "00000000-0000-4000-8000-00e8d4a52092"
  id: 1000000004242,
  name: "Viafoura User",
  email: "",
  user_privilege: "user",
  ban_level: "none",
  custom_badges: [],
  date_created: 1611772566000,
  subscriber_count: 0,
  email_verification_status: "none",
  username_moderation_status: "none",
  avatar_moderation_status: "none",
  pic_large: "",
  pic_small: "",
  data_count: function () {},



Some values on the user object (comments_made, dislikes_made, dislikes_received, likes_made, likes_received) are deprecated. Use the following API's to get user content stats:

Live blogs:
Live Chats:
Ratings & Reviews:

user.data_count().then(data_count => console.log(data_count));
// Output: { comments_made: 0, dislikes_made: 0, dislikes_received: 0, likes_made: 0, likes_received: 0 }


The viafoura Notifications object contains information about the current user's

Type: Object


  • counts Object A collection of notification counts
    • Number The number of "new" (unseen) notifications, as shown in the Viafoura bell


A Viafoura page meta object describing page attributes for fetching/creating pages

One of path, url, id, or unique_id is required - path and url are mutually exclusive
Title, section are optional

Type: Object


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