Postman Project
Viafoura API Postman Project DOWNLOAD
What is Postman?
Postman is a free to use API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle. You can download it HERE
What is the Viafoura Postman Project?
The Viafoura Postman Project Template allows you to quickly test Viafoura API's against YOUR dev domain to help your developers familiarize themselves with our APIs and ease any API integration with Viafoura.
How to use the Viafoura Postman Project?
Step 0 - Do you have auth configured for your dev domain with Viafoura? If not, set that up first, details HERE
Step 1 - Download and install Postman from HERE
Step 2 - Download Viafoura API Postman Project from HERE
Step 3 - Click the 'Import' button in Postman and select the Viafoura APIs Template.postman_collection.json file you downloaded in Step 2.
Step 4 - Select the project name in Postman then click the Variables tab. Configure each variable as described in the list below:
SITE_UUID - Value to be provided by your Viafoura Customer Success Manager.
SITE_DOMAIN - The domain you wish to test the API's against. Example:
USER_ID - Call the corresponding login API endpoint under the Auth folder based on the auth you configured in Step 0. If using OIDC or cookie login pass a valid token as an input parameter to the corresponding endpoint. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'id'.
USER_UUID - Call the Fetch User API endpoint under the User folder. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'uuid'.
For Commenting APIs
COMMENT_CONTAINER_UUID - Call the Create comment container API endpoint under the Live Comments folder. Specify your own unique container_id value in the request body. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'content_container_uuid'.
COMMENT_CONTENT_UUID - Call the Post comment API endpoint under the Live Comments folder. Specify your comment details under the body of the request. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'content_uuid'.
For LiveBlog APIs
BLOG_CONTAINER_UUID - Call the Create live blog container API endpoint under the Live Blog folder. Specify your own unique container_id value in the request body. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'content_container_uuid'.
BLOG_CONTENT_UUID - Call the Create Live Blog Post API endpoint under the Live Blog folder. Specify your live blog details under the body of the request. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'content_uuid'.
For Live Chat APIs:
CHAT_CONTAINER_UUID - Call the Create chat container API endpoint under the Live Chat folder. Specify your own unique container_id value in the request body. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'content_container_uuid'.
CHAT_CONTENT_UUID - Call the Create Chat Message API endpoint under the Live Chat folder. Specify your live chat details under the body of the request. Value will be returned in the API JSON response as 'content_uuid'.
Your session may expire while calling the endpoints so you may be required to refresh your session by calling the login endpoint again.
DONE! Begin testing our API's against your dev domains.
API Authentication
The API's in the Postman Project are separated into 2 folders based on the authentication type required to call the API.
- "User Auth" folder API's require logging in as a user via the corresponding login API so the Viafoura auth cookies get set. You can the call subsequent API's under this folder without sending any other auth details.
- "System Token Auth" folder API's require a Bearer Auth Token to be generated first by calling the Get Bearer Auth Token endpoint using the Basic Auth credentials provided by your Viafoura Support contact. You then use this bearer token to authorize subsequent API calls under this folder. NOTE: The bearer token expires every 5 minutes and a new will need to be generated to make further API calls.
Updated about 1 year ago