Ads in Conversation Replies
In order to avoid ad clutter in replies, we have recently updated the logic behind the frequency and placement of ads in Conversation replies.
- Avoid ad stacking
- Decrease ad density by increasing intervals between ads
- Mitigate loss of revenue by keeping ads in reply threads with enough spacing to balance the UX.
Logic Updates
Footer Ad
- First, check if the last comment has an ad:
- If so:
- don't load the footer ad
- apply any CSS related tweaks (eg. remove extra whitespace)
- If not, load the footer ad
- If so:
Example 1

An example of last comment having an ad which disallows an ad in the footer.
Reply Thread Ads
Let the default ad interval be x
- If the parent comment of this reply thread has an ad OR
- if the next comment after the parent comment has an ad:
- double the ad interval for this thread for less ad cadence
- If neither parent nor next comment has an ad:
- no change to ad interval
Example 2

In this example, the promo interval for replies is 2
but because the next comment has an ad, the interval is overridden and becomes 4
Special Case
- If the final reply in the thread lands on an ad interval AND
- if there is a next comment:
show ad
- Otherwise,
don't show ad
Example 3

For this special case, if we remove one reply from the previous example, the promo interval is ignored to avoid the ads from stacking.
Updated about 2 years ago
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