Internal Link Decoration and Campaign Parameters

You are able to add internal campaign parameters or decorate links within Viafoura's tools to attribute sources of traffic on your site to specific features. Viafoura allows you to add such parameters through the "Site Settings." Under "General" settings, you can enable the "Enable Internal Link Decoration/Campaign Parameters" setting and use the "Internal Link Decoration/Campaign Parameters" field to automatically add specified parameters to all automatically generated links within Viafoura products.

You can include UTM parameters, Campaign ID, or any other custom URL parameters within any automatically generated link.

Notes on Usage:

  1. Affected Components: The parameters you paste into the "Internal Link Decoration/Campaign Parameters" field will be added to all of the following Viafoura components:

    1. Active Articles widget displayed under comments
    2. Standalone Trending Articles widgets
    3. Links from Tray Notification/Feed
    4. Share functionality for specific comments/replies

    Image of the share menu on a comment with the Facebook option selected
  2. Excluded Components: At this time, this setting will not add parameters to any links inserted by visitors or editors within comments, blog posts, engagement starter, or chat messages. Additional tracking options may be added in the future.


Use these shortcodes in your tracking parameter to include information about the Viafoura product and/or feature that generated the link.

VIAFOURA_PRODUCTconversations_top_pageslinks from the Active Articles widget, usually displayed under comments
standalone_top_pageslinks from the Standalone Trending Articles widget (list format)
standalone_content_recirculation_with_adslinks from the Standalone Trending Articles widget (cards with ads)
conversationslinks from Share functionality for specific comments/replies
tray_notificationlinks from Tray Notification/Feed

Parameter Formatting

  1. Leaving the "Internal Link Decoration/Campaign Parameters" field empty, adding a string with no equal (=) sign, or adding a single parameter with no value (e.g., abc=) will effectively disable the functionality.
  2. Adding an extra & at the beginning or end of parameters will remove it.
  3. Adding an extra ? to parameters will URL encode it (i.e., it will add %3F to the URL). Adding any other special characters will result in them being escaped similarly to how ? is handled.
  4. After saving your settings, you may notice & being replaced with &. This occurs due to certain settings functionality (escaping characters for security reasons). In actual links, & will be replaced by &.