Moderating Posts
You can moderate any posts you see on the moderation console. However, the optimal place for moderators to perform moderation actions is within [Queues]{
To enable a comment, all tags on the post should be cleared. This ensures that enabled posts are not associated with any community violation tags.
To deactivate a post it should have at least one confirmed (red) tag. This ensures all disabled posts have a verified reason.
The review button only appears when a post's status agrees with the post's tags. That means the review button is only available on enabled posts with no tags or disabled posts with red tags. The review action is changed to “disable” if additional tags are added.
Reviewing posts
Moderating Reported (Flagged) Content
Your audience is able to assist you with the moderation task by reporting posts. With the report (flag) agreement rate, you can quickly assess if the user who reported a post is a report abuser or a genuine community member trying to indicate a community violation.
Updated 9 months ago