Viafoura's advanced notification features keep users coming back. These features are specifically designed to give end users a personalized experience so they invest more time on your site.
The most effective notification methods to reach users are:
- Within the On-site Notification Tray
- Email Notifications
- Integrating your webhooks service with our Notifications Webhook
We recommend using all of these methods in combination with each other to provide the most reach to your users and drive further engagement.
Below is an explanation of each notification type currently supported by Viafoura.
Notifications within the On-Site Notification Tray are sent to a user when:
- They receive a reply to their comment
- Publisher broadcasts alert/message (Ex. Breaking News)
- New content is published with a topic or by an author a user has opted in to follow
- A conversation that they follow has a new comment published
- A user that they follow posts a new comment
- A user follows them
- Someone has liked their comment
Email Notifications are sent to users when:
- They receive a reply to their comment
Updated 9 months ago