Quicksight Analytics Dashboard

Quicksight is an AWS product that Viafoura leverages for data visualization for its customers. It connects directly to Viafoura’s data lake which updates every day (you will see the data until yesterday). You can export and filter the timeframes for the data you are looking for.


shows unique comments

Shows unique daily comments (comments and replies) and commenters

This graph looks only at comment posting actions (not deletions)

Comments are counted on the day they are posted, not moderated.

Shows unique daily likes and dislikes 

This graph counts likes/dislikes actions i.e. if I like a comment and then dislike instead both are counted

Shows unique daily likes and dislikes

This graph counts likes/dislikes actions i.e. if I like a comment and then dislike instead both are counted

The % of your comments are in reply to top level comments 

This is a good indication of the health of your community; The industry average is about 50% with most sports publishers seeing a higher number

The % of your comments are in reply to top level comments

This is a good indication of the health of your community; The industry average is about 50% with most sports publishers seeing a higher number

Daily comments by domain is used to compare engagement across all of your sites

You can see both the busiest site by commenting volumes but also the busiest days

Daily comments by domain is used to compare engagement across all of your sites

You can see both the busiest site by commenting volumes but also the busiest days

Shows the busiest period across your site for commenting 

This is useful for planning live events and knowing when your community is most active

> 💬 Remember all times are in UTC

Shows the busiest period across your site for commenting

This is useful for planning live events and knowing when your community is most active


Remember all times are in UTC

Shows daily conversations follows 

This graph counts follows actions and we are not checking for "unfollow" events 

The table shows the URLs with the highest follow counts 

> 💬 Users who follow conversations get a tray notification each time a new comment is posted 


Shows daily conversations follows

This graph counts follows actions and we are not checking for "unfollow" events

The table shows the URLs with the highest follow counts


Users who follow conversations get a tray notification each time a new comment is posted

How many clicks on "load more comments" per day 

This can depend on how many comments you have on initial load 

The graph is broken down by segment type

How many clicks on "load more comments" per day

This can depend on how many comments you have on initial load

The graph is broken down by segment type


Viafoura Segments

Anonymous - Non loyal fly-by audience

Comment Readers - Also known as Active Engaged, they are now starting to spend more time in the comment section and becoming more loyal to your site

Registered - Your known audience, these users have created an account with you

UGC Contributor - A registered user who is contributing to the community


Shows unique daily messages posted in Chats 

Counts the posting actions and not deleted actions

Shows unique daily messages posted in Chats

Counts the posting actions and not deleted actions

New chat containers created per day

New chat containers created per day

New chat containers created per month

New chat containers created per month

% of comments posted that are replies vs parent comments 

Reply to comment ratio is usually lower in Chats than Conversations due to the fast paced nature

% of comments posted that are replies vs parent comments

Reply to comment ratio is usually lower in Chats than Conversations due to the fast paced nature


Comments includes both top level journalists post and comments from users 

Comments in Liveblogs can be enabled using the front end settings panel

Comments includes both top level journalists post and comments from users

Comments in Liveblogs can be enabled using the front end settings panel

New live blog containers created per day

New live blog containers created per day

New liveblog containers created per month

New liveblog containers created per month

% of comments posted in Liveblogs that are parent comments vs replies

% of comments posted in Liveblogs that are parent comments vs replies

User Interactions

When a user creates an account on a client site the account information us shared/sent to Viafoura via API or front-end code and creates a brand new record in Viafoura's back end system 

In some cases not all registrations are passed to Viafoura, depending on your set up registrations may only be passed to Viafoura if a user engages with any of the Viafoura features on-site

When a user creates an account on a client site the account information us shared/sent to Viafoura via API or front-end code and creates a brand new record in Viafoura's back end system

In some cases not all registrations are passed to Viafoura, depending on your set up registrations may only be passed to Viafoura if a user engages with any of the Viafoura features on-site


Sometimes when clients migrate their auth system and decide to ask users to effectively re-register their account (often to reset a password in the new auth system) we will see an influx of "new" registrations. This can happen during onboarding and depends on how users are transitioned to Viafoura

How many comments each commenter is creating on a daily basis

How many comments each commenter is creating on a daily basis

Engagement actions (comments, replies, likes and dislikes) created by UGC Contributors

Engagement actions (comments, replies, likes and dislikes) created by UGC Contributors


Average comments per article across articles with at least one comment

Average comments per article across articles with at least one comment

Articles bucketed by Comment count on comment container creation day (article publish day)

Articles bucketed by Comment count on comment container creation day (article publish day)

Shows top articles for engagement actions by URL (not container)

You can sort by column, by clicking on the column names and selecting sort ascending or descending (ticket submitted to fix this)

Shows top articles for engagement actions by URL (not container)

You can sort by column, by clicking on the column names and selecting sort ascending or descending (ticket submitted to fix this)

Articles that have been set to pre-moderation

Articles may show up multiple times as we check the status every day

Articles that have been set to pre-moderation

Articles may show up multiple times as we check the status every day


All moderation decisions broken down by auto-mod or manual 

> ❗️ Total moderation decisions will be higher than total comments as comments can be moderated multiple times. 
> **Examples: **If a comment has been edited, it will pass through moderation each time. If a comment has been approved by the auto-mod and then flagged by a user it will then be human moderated.

All moderation decisions broken down by auto-mod or manual


Total moderation decisions will be higher than total comments as comments can be moderated multiple times.

Examples: If a comment has been edited, it will pass through moderation each time. If a comment has been approved by the auto-mod and then flagged by a user it will then be human moderated.

All moderation decisions for time period selected

All moderation decisions for time period selected

Auto-moderation decisions of comments

Auto-moderation decisions of comments


Auto-moderation decisions

Approved: The algorithm has approved the comment and it goes live in real-time

Deferred: The auto-mod sends the comment for human review

Rejected: The comment is auto-rejected and does not go live

All auto-moderation decisions for time period selected


All auto-moderation decisions for time period selected

Manual (Human-mod) decisions 

This will include all deferred, flagged and NUQ comments

Manual (Human-mod) decisions

This will include all deferred, flagged and NUQ comments

Manual moderation decisions for time period selected

Manual moderation decisions for time period selected

Comment moderation decisions 

A comment often has more than 1 moderation action associated with it

Comment moderation decisions

A comment often has more than 1 moderation action associated with it

The number of articles with pre-moderation enabled

Based on the day the container is created (article published)

The number of articles with pre-moderation enabled

Based on the day the container is created (article published)

Unique comments outcomes

Despite how many mod actions each comment only counts as 1

Unique comments outcomes

Despite how many mod actions each comment only counts as 1

Comments approved or rejected by time period selected

Comments approved or rejected by time period selected

Reported comments outcomes 

Data is based on the date of moderation and not the reported date

> ❗️ Each reported comment should only be reviewed once, so even if a comment is flagged 10 times, this will count 1 moderation action

Reported comments outcomes

Data is based on the date of moderation and not the reported date


Each reported comment should only be reviewed once, so even if a comment is flagged 10 times, this will count 1 moderation action

Flagged moderations for the selected period

Flagged moderations for the selected period

Unique comments flagged per day

If a comment is flagged on Wednesday and Friday it will show up twice

Unique comments flagged per day

If a comment is flagged on Wednesday and Friday it will show up twice

Total Comments Flagged and % of Total Comments for selected period

Total Comments Flagged and % of Total Comments for selected period

User account moderations covers actions taken on a user and not their comments

Avatar moderations, Username moderations & Userbans

User account moderations covers actions taken on a user and not their comments

Avatar moderations, Username moderations & Userbans

Avatar moderation outcomes

Please note this feature is not available to all clients 


Avatar moderation outcomes

Please note this feature is not available to all clients

Auto-moderation capacity MTD based on monthly contract volumes

Auto-moderation capacity MTD based on monthly contract volumes


Create an alert to ensure you're aware if trending over capacity

Human moderation capacity MTD based on monthly contract volumes

Human moderation capacity MTD based on monthly contract volumes

Trending auto-moderation capacity estimate based on daily volumes MTD


Trending auto-moderation capacity estimate based on daily volumes MTD

Trending human-moderation capacity estimate based on daily volumes MTD

Trending human-moderation capacity estimate based on daily volumes MTD


This tab allows you to select the amount of Top Users you would like to show from 1-200

This is sorted Alphabetically by username 

Why does sorting not work for the engagement events

This is sorted Alphabetically by username

You can sort by engagement column by clicking on it

Users in this graph are moderators who are pinning and picking comments 

Are we counting events only? or do we also tell when something has been unpinned

Users in this graph are moderators who are pinning and picking comments



The % of users who register and post their first comment 

does this include likes and dislikes?

The % of users who register and post their first comment

does this include likes and dislikes?


Total Direct Pageviews generated by Viafoura

Total Direct Page views generated by users clicking on Viafoura CTA's

Pageviews generated by Viafoura broken down by source

Pageviews generated by Viafoura broken down by source

Conversations Top PagesActive conversations below the comment section
Tray NotificationsPV's generated by users clicking on tray notifications e.g. replies, likes and dislikes
Tray Top PagesActive conversations in the tray
Comment ShareUsers sharing individual comments

Total time spent in Viafoura this includes Conversations, Blogs, Chats and Ratings & Reviews

How is this calculated?

Total time spent in Viafoura this includes Conversations, Blogs, Chats and Ratings & Reviews

This is cookie UID based tracking

At least 50% of the Viafoura element must be in the viewport and the tab or browser must not be in the background

what pages? how is this calculated?

Time spent by users on pages that have the Viafoura js enabled

Cookie UID based tracking

The browser/tab must not be in the background

Time spent in the Comment Section 


Time spent in the Comment Section

Time spent in Live Chats 


Time spent in Live Chats

Time spent in Liveblogs 


Time spent in Liveblogs

Time spent in Ratings and Reviews


Time spent in Ratings and Reviews

Comment readers with >3 seconds with the comment section in viewport per day

Comment readers with >3 seconds with the comment section in viewport per day

Daily Unique Visitors broken down by Segment Type 


Daily Unique Visitors broken down by Segment Type

Monthly UVs by segment type

Monthly UVs by segment type

Daily UVs by user segment type (%)

Daily UVs by user segment type (%)

Monthly UVs by segment type (%)

Monthly UVs by segment type (%)

The ratio of Time on Page vs Time in Viafoura Widgets

The ratio of Time on Page vs Time in Viafoura Widgets

Bell Performance

Monthly bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for all users 


Monthly bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for all users

Monthly bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for logged in users 


Monthly bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for logged in users

Daily bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for all users 


Daily bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for all users

Daily bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for logged in users 


Daily bell CTR based on loads vs clicks for logged in users

Monthly bell CTR for all sites under the client for all users

The bell performance is broken down by bell type 


Monthly bell CTR for all sites under the client for all users

The bell performance is broken down by bell type

Daily bell CTR for all sites under the client for all users

The bell performance is broken down by bell type


Daily bell CTR for all sites under the client for all users

The bell performance is broken down by bell type

Monthly bell CTR for all sites under the client for all users 

The bell performance is broken down by bell type


Monthly bell CTR for all sites under the client for all users

The bell performance is broken down by bell type

Daily bell CTR for all sites under the client for logged in users 

The bell performance is broken down by bell type


Daily bell CTR for all sites under the client for logged in users

The bell performance is broken down by bell type

Broadcast Notifications

Open rate of broadcast notifications received in the tray

Open rate of broadcast notifications received in the tray

User Interactions with all broadcast notificatons

User Interactions with all broadcast notificatons

Notified events are notifications being sent to the tray 

Every interaction sends an event e.g. 5 likes on a comment sends 5 notifications


Notified events are notifications being sent to the tray

Every interaction sends an event e.g. 5 likes on a comment sends 5 notifications

Users receiving events 

There will always be more events than users, a user will appear once per day regardless of how many notifications they have received

Users receiving events

There will always be more events than users, a user will appear once per day regardless of how many notifications they have received

A "seen" event is counted when a user opens the tray and sees the notification


A "seen" event is counted when a user opens the tray and sees the notification

Users seeing the notifications in the tray

User is only counted once daily, even if they have multiple notifications


Users seeing the notifications in the tray

User is only counted once daily, even if they have multiple notifications

When the users sees the content they are notified about 

This number can be high as users may have already seen the content they are notified about in the comment section before going to the tray (this counts as 2 read events)


When the users sees the content they are notified about

This number can be high as users may have already seen the content they are notified about in the comment section before going to the tray (this counts as 2 read events)

The users who have seen the content in the notifications


The users who have seen the content in the notifications

Number is usually 100%+ because users often see the event they are being notified about before going to the notification

e.g. if a user receives a reply to their comment, they may still be lingering on the comment section and this will count as a read event

Number is usually 100%+ because users often see the event they are being notified about before going to the notification

e.g. if a user receives a reply to their comment, they may still be lingering on the comment section and this will count as a read event

E-mail Notifications

Data shows the date that the email was sent and the date that the email was clicked


Data shows the date that the email was sent and the date that the email was clicked

Number of emails clicked/Number of e-mails sent 


Number of emails clicked/Number of e-mails sent

How many clicks per user on e-mail notifications

How many clicks per user on e-mail notifications

Topic Follows

Counting subscribed and unsubscribed events 


Counting subscribed and unsubscribed events

Topics that currently have the most subscribed users

Topics that currently have the most subscribed users


Number of shares per day using Viafoura's sharebar


Number of shares per day using Viafoura's sharebar

Most shared articles by share channel


Most shared articles by share channel

Most shared channel


Most shared channel

Calculated by using URL parameters

We only track the 1st PV after the user has visited the site


Calculated by using URL parameters

We only track the 1st PV after the user has visited the site

Capturing registrations that happen after a user has interacted with the Sharebar

Capturing registrations that happen after a user has interacted with the Sharebar

Engagement Starter

Snapshot of usage, performance and positioning on page 


Snapshot of usage, performance and positioning on page

Avg Scroll depth: Every event sends the page/scroll depth of the event

Showing how often the ES was in view and how often it was interacted with, across all Engagement starter views (Default, Featured comment, Poll)


Showing how often the ES was in view and how often it was interacted with, across all Engagement starter views (Default, Featured comment, Poll)

How often the loaded ES was in view broken down by Type


How often the loaded ES was in view broken down by Type

How often was the Engagement Starter interacted with 

Polls have the highest engagement rate


How often was the Engagement Starter interacted with

Polls have the highest engagement rate

How often is the Engagement Starter being added to the pages and what type of Engagement Starter is being used. 


How often is the Engagement Starter being added to the pages and what type of Engagement Starter is being used.


Daily votes casted in polls


Daily votes casted in polls

Polls created by day


Polls created by day

Poll creators who have received the most votes in their polls


Poll creators who have received the most votes in their polls

Number of individual polls created 


Number of individual polls created

Top performing polls and results snapshot


Top performing polls and results snapshot

Polls with potential vote stuffing

For polls we currently count the number of voting events and unique votes we count using Cookie IDs - discrepancies can highlight any potential vote stuffing


Polls with potential vote stuffing

For polls we currently count the number of voting events and unique votes we count using Cookie IDs - discrepancies can highlight any potential vote stuffing

Polls created and their votes over a set period of time

Use this to analyze what works well - sports, politics, entertainment


Polls created and their votes over a set period of time

Use this to analyze what works well - sports, politics, entertainment

Page Performance

Ensure you remove the http:// from the URL when adding the filters

Comments, PVs and Visits for the specific article or campaign


Comments, PVs and Visits for the specific article or campaign

Registrations attributed to the URL and engagement metrics for the specific page


Registrations attributed to the URL and engagement metrics for the specific page

Data for campaigns

Data for campaigns

Data for URLs

Data for URLs

the URL you would like to compare it to

the URL you would like to compare it to


Ratings and Reviews

Viafoura's Ratings and Reviews feature

Comments posted in Viafoura ratings and reviews

Comments posted in Viafoura ratings and reviews

Number of new Ratings and Reviews containers created

Number of new Ratings and Reviews containers created

Access to Quicksight

  • Reach out to your dedicated CSM or [email protected] if you require access to Quicksight
  • Access can take ~1 week to be granted
  • When logging in ensure the Account Name is viafoura-production the User Name will be your email address

Important Notes

  • All times are in UTC
  • All data can be exported using the kebab menu in the top right of each graph
  • Most graphs have data from 6 months - 12 months to ensure long-term access, we recommend downloading any data you need for perpetuity
  • We do offer raw data ingest which will allow you to bring this data internally and integrate it into your own analytics/visualization tools
  • Some graphs will say "No data" this means you are not currently using this feature, if you think you're receiving this message in error please reach out to your dedicated CSM